The Disappearing Desktop - It's Real This Time

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Wed Nov 9 19:25:10 EST 2005

Dan Shafer wrote:
> And if you haven't yet  seen 
> Writely, I suggest you check it out; the day of the service- based word 
> processor is soon to be here.

I did.  One word:  "Eeewww".  :)

As for the getting illustrators to draw in a web browser, or anyone else 
to let Microsoft force them to hand over data storage to them, we'll see.

I'll go so far as to say I see the field growing, definitely.  But I 
don't see it completely replacing desktop apps until the Internet is 
truly ubiquitous and we access it through heads-up displays on small 
systems in our shirt pocket.

So maybe in 10 years, but I'm not ditching all my apps on until then.

I see the world as big enough for both.  But to say it all must be only 
one way sounds too much like Microsoft just overcorrecting a bad turn....

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at

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