Fwd: Revolution and SERVICE USB -hardware control with REV

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
Mon Nov 7 12:11:47 EST 2005

Continuing the thread about machine control...
I read the specs from

and wrote requesting info about more directly connecting Rev.
Marco Bönig wrote back and suggested using their Applescript interface.

Would there be an advantage in having an XCMD do 
this instead of Applescript? Would there be some 
latency in using Applescript instead of directly?

I don't need this now, but I figure sometime in 
the future I will. I often end up in strange 
hardware-software lashups.

stephen barncard

>From: Marco Bönig <mb at bkohg.com>
>Subject: Revolution and SERVICE USB
>Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 10:52:35 +0100
>To: stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com
>Dear Mr. Barncard,
>it's funny. We got a lot of requests about 
>Revolution and we think, we had forgotten to 
>support Revolution. Sorry for that.
>However, we tested our Interface on MacOSX with 
>Revolution and it works. Revolution can control 
>AppleScript and AppleScript can control SERVICE 
>USB plus. For example, to set the output value 
>to 85 (= 01010101 binary) the syntax is:
>do "set SERVICE output value 85" as applescript
>We have no sample stack yet, but we will create 
>a sample stack, starting in a few days.
>SERVICE USB is a Mac-only product. Maybe it is a 
>good idea to work with Revolution and SERVICE 
>USB on a PC. But we have no resources to handle 
>support for an additional platform, like PC and 
>Windows. Thus we have no plans to create a 
>If you are a hardcore system-programmer, we can 
>explain the SERVICE USB low level protocol to 
>you and try to help creating a PC Version.
>best regards
>Marco Boenig
>Marco Bönig                  mailto:mb at bkohg.com
>Bönig und Kallenbach oHG     Tel. 0231/753650
>Lindemannstr. 25             Fax: 0231/753659
>D-44137 Dortmund             http://bkohg.com
>Am 04.11.2005 um 21:18 schrieb stephenREVOLUTION at barncard.com:
>>I think you have a great product, with many 
>>uses. I use a software platform called Runtime 
>>- it's an evolution of an earlier product 
>>called Metacard. It's a RAD that is the clear 
>>and superior succesor to Hypercard.
>>Since it appears that you have created 
>>middleware for almost every other development 
>>platform, I wonder if you would consider 
>>helping us Rev users get connected to your 
>>interfaces. You'll find a lot of folks that 
>>will help you do it on our rather friendly 
>>email list.  Right now I'd be happy with a Mac 
>>XCMD that would work with Rev, but I'm sure the 
>>others would love a PC version at some point.
>>OR perhaps you have a SDK that might point the way.

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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