LibPop3 Help!!!
locutis at
Sun Nov 6 21:14:38 EST 2005
I've got it to work. BTW: I pasted the entire stack script from the libpop3 stack into the cgi. I got an email from Sean (the creator) and here's his suggestion:
>the problem that I can see in your sample code is you're treating the
>functions like commands.
>COMMAND pop3Open server, port, authType, authUser, authPass [, callback]
>FUNCTION pop3GetMessageCount( [callback] )
>FUNCTION pop3GetUniqueIdList( [callback] )
>FUNCTION pop3GetMessageHeaders( messageNumber [,callback] )
>FUNCTION pop3GetMessage( messageNumber [,callback] )
>COMMAND pop3DeleteMessage messageNumber [,callback]
>COMMAND pop3Close [callback]
>Pretty much anything that returns an answer is a function, anything that
>just does something is a command.
>put pop3GetMessageCount() into tNumberOfMessages
>Anything else, feel free to ask,
It now works flawlessly!
Here's my sample code:
on startup
pop3Open "ipaddress", "110", "AUTO", "username", "password"
put the result into theResult
if theResult is "true" then
put pop3GetMessageCount() into numberofMessages
if numberofMessages > 0 then
put pop3GetMessage(1) into theMessage
put "/volumes/tiger/users/cam/desktop/message.txt" into path
put the message into url ("file:"&path)
end if
end if
put the result into theResult
if theResult is "true" then
exit to hypercard
put "/volumes/tiger/users/cam/desktop/error.txt" into path
put theResult into url ("file:"&path)
exit to hypercard
end if
end startup
[paste entire stack script here]
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