[Slightly OT again] Gaming

Marty Billingsley marty at vertex.ucls.uchicago.edu
Sat Nov 5 07:30:12 EST 2005

Judy Perry <jperryl at ecs.fullerton.edu> writes:
> And, when I recently mentioned it to Chris Crawford of 'The Art of
> Computer Game Design,' he said that he only wished that he'd heard of Rev
> before wading neck-deep into Java.

And now I'm going to segue into another slightly OT subject: gaming.
We're thinking of offering a gaming course at the high school level,
aiming at the post-AP crowd (hoping, of course, that this will
attract more students *into* the AP course).

I need resources on gaming and game design, preferable from an
algorithmic standpoint.  "The Art of Computer Game Design" was a
great tip.  Anyone got any others?

Of course, I have no idea if we'd teach this course in java, in
scheme, in RR, some other environment, or a mixture of the above.


  - marty

Marty Billingsley (marty at ucls.uchicago.edu)
The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

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