Hello from newbie

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Thu Nov 3 12:19:01 EST 2005

Erin D. Smale wrote:
> Revolution has *impressed* me at every turn, and I think 
> I've found the tool I've been looking for to complete the dozen or so 
> programming projects swirling around my head. I'm working through the 
> tutorials included with the software, have started reading Dan Shafer's 
> book, and find myself wandering around Revolution's great online 
> documentation.
> Are there any other resources I should be checking out as a new user?

revJournal - a Revolution webzine, with articles and tutorials from many 
of the most active members of this list:

A lot of people tell me this article helped them get their head wrapped 
around the message path:

Jacque Gay and RunRev Ltd have teamed up with more than a dozen 
contributors to create this wonderful tutorial series:

And as an experienced developer picking up Rev as a second language, you 
might appreciate the helpful nerdliness of this article:

Fourth World Scripting Style Guide:
Helpful tips for xTalk, Lingo, and other 4GLs

  Richard Gaskin
  Managing Editor, revJournal
  Rev tips, tutorials and more: http://www.revJournal.com

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