A must have stack for all...

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Wed Nov 2 18:14:45 EST 2005

    by Chipp Walters using Sean Shao's GREAT libSmtp253

What does this do?

Makes sending an email from your stack super simple.

This is a simple test stack for Sean Shao's fine SMTP library used for 
sending emails directly from Revolution. This stack works with the 
included library stack libSmtp253.

But the cool part is: included in this stack is a simple altSendMail 
function, which is a very basic wrapper around Sean's libSmtp253 library.

Sean's library stacks are great, and they offer so many options...in 
fact, too many options! You can send HTML as well as Plain text, connect 
to various servers with different authentication schemes, and more! The 
reason I wrote this stack is to build a very simple function which 
allows you to send PLAIN text email directly from Rev.

Forget the GUI, make your own! Frankly, mucho thanks to Sean Shao for 
the fine libSmtp library!!! This just makes it simpler to use.

as ususal, type in the message box:
go URL "http://www.gadgetplugins.com/altplugins/altEmailHarness.rev"

or go to our download page


Chipp Walters

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