popup of menu (functionality not correct implemented...)

Martin Baxter mb.ur at harbourhost.co.uk
Tue Nov 1 16:23:26 EST 2005


Although you have given up, you might want to consider this, which seems 
to work in a simple test stack.

The flimsy part of this is that you need to know the height of a 
menuitem in your popup, and I don't know a way to get this 
programmatically. I did a screenshot and measured it at 17 pixels on XP 

The offset of the popup topleft sets the last selection under the mouse 
when the menu pops up, and I find that highlights it.

--card script
on mousedown
   put max(field "num",1) into tn
   popup btn "testpop" at mouseh()-8,(mousev()-8-((tn-1)*17))
end mousedown

--script of popup button "testpop"
on menupick
   put the menuhistory of me into field "num"
end menupick

## My test stack has a field "num" which holds the
## last menuhistory of btn "testpop"
## just for testing purposes of course

Martin Baxter

Ton Kuypers wrote:
> :-(
> Not working either... I give up, will probably switch to another kind  
> of menu...
> Thanks anyway!
> Ton
> On 1-nov-05, at 18:25, David Burgun wrote:
>> Just one more!
>> Try this:
>>       select line fGetMenuItem(fld "TestField") of the text of me
>> About 1000 to 1 odds on it working tho!
>> All the Best
>> Dave
>>> :-(
>>> Unless I misunderstood what you ment, it doesn't work...
>>> I have a button on the card of type "pop up" named "TestMenu"
>>> This button has got 10 lines of text, which creates a menu of 10  items.
>>> I have one field on the card named "Test"
>>> The button contains the following code:
>>>     on mouseDown
>>>       select line fGetMenuItem(fld "TestField") of me
>>>     end mouseDown
>>>     ON menupick vChoice
>>>       put vChoice into fld "TestField"
>>>       set the menuHistory of me to fGetMenuItem(fld "TestField")
>>>     END menupick
>>>     FUNCTION fGetMenuItem vMenuItemName
>>>       put the text of button "TestMenu" into vMenuText
>>>       put lineOffset(vMenuItemName,vMenuText) into vMenuItem
>>>       return vMenuItem
>>>     END fGetMenuItem
>>> and the result: The menu just pops up with item 1 underneath the  
>>> cursor :-(
>>> Any more suggestions?
>>> Ton
>>> On 1-nov-05, at 18:03, David Burgun wrote:
>>> Have you tried:
>>> select line GetMeniItem("theMenuString") of me
>>> This may work.
>>> All the Best
>>> Dave
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