Progress with Tiger weirdness

Lars Brehmer larsbrehmer at
Thu May 26 07:22:04 EDT 2005

Howdy all,

In case anyone is looking into my windowShape problem, half of it is  
now solved.  The windowShape that was nothing more complicated than a  
rectangle with rounded corners wider than 698 pixels had something to  
do with the ClearDock haxie.  And even if you have ClearDock but  
couldn't reproduce the phenomenon, that doesn't matter, because once  
I disabled ClearDock for one session and then rebooted with it  
enabled again, the Problem was gone.  If anyone out there is running  
Tiger AND ClearDock, take a look at iTunes and resize its window and  
see what happens to its shadow  at a width above and below 698  
Pixels.  If the shadow gets weird above 700 pixels, disable ClearDock  
once and see if it is corrected.  If you can confirm this, let me  
know off list.

The second Problem still remains - my window with the round  
protrusion on the bottom - nothing so far has helped, and again,  
after any reboot if I open the Stack first in Rev and then in the  
standalone, the display is correct.  The other way around the  
weirdnessw is back, and on a machine running Tiger without REv  
installed it is always weird.

One problem down, one to go.   Help is appreciated!



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