Problems with ShutDownRequest

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed May 25 00:20:16 EDT 2005

On 5/24/05 8:50 PM, Howard Bornstein wrote:

> On 5/24/05, Pat Trendler <ptrendler at> wrote:
>>I seem to remember having this problem awhile ago.
>>I used  closestackRequest in the stack being saved as a file/document..
> I tried this in both the stack script and the card script and neither
> worked at all. Sigh.

I think Pat meant that shutdownRequest wasn't working, but substituting 
closestackRequest instead did.

> I think I'm going to have to Bugzilla this if no one else has a
> workable solution.

It might be a bug, but it feels like it's too early to tell yet. If 
shutdownRequest works in the first stack you create but not the second, 
then I'd be inclined to think something else is wrong. The defaultstack 
may not be what you think it is, for example, so maybe the message is 
being sent somewhere unexpected and the new stack never sees it.

One way to test without having to build an app is to suspend the 
develpment environment (from the Development menu.) That won't make 
tracking the problem any easier, but it saves you some trouble 
rebuilding a lot of standalones.

Try putting a button in your test stack that sets the defaultstack to 
the current test stack before you try to quit. Any luck with that?

Also, the docs say the shutdownRequest message is sent to the stack -- 
not the card -- so I'd be sure that my handler was in the stack script.

Just thinking out loud, no promises.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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