HELP -- "error" when trying to compile standalone

Randy Padawer padawer at
Sat May 21 13:02:43 EDT 2005

Bob, thank you! Because I've not followed the email  closely I had no 
idea, and your tip saved me. I was just able to save the executables. 
Best to you, and have a good weekend.

At 12:00 PM -0400 5/21/05, rev at wrote:
>Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 15:10:19 +0100
>From: Bob Hartley <rev at>
>Subject: Re: HELP -- "error" when trying to compile standalone
>To: How to use Revolution <use-revolution at>
>Message-ID: < at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed;
>	x-avg-checked=avg-ok-4950281
>At 14:59 21/05/2005, you wrote:
>>Well, things only happen when you're on a terrible deadline, and that's
>>what happened to me yesterday. I had spent hours working on a program that
>>was part of a presentation (long story) and went to compile an OS X and/or
>>Windows standlone application so I could dash off just in time. But no
>>matter what I did (compiling for one and not the other, or for both) I
>>would get an error that said: "There was an error while saving the
>>standalone application." Can anyone provide a clue as to the kinds of
>>things that may result in this error? Thanks very gratefully, Randy
>Ahh this might be the well know bug to do with search for inclusions.
>If you go to "standalone application settings" you should see that ther eis
>a box ticked to "search for inclusions" just simply tick the radio button
>that says "select inclusions" and that should sort it.

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