lazy newbie

Timothy Miller gandalf at
Thu Mar 31 20:04:02 EST 2005

>On 3/31/05 2:35 PM, Timothy Miller wrote:
>>  I might add -- I'm getting too old for this, and it isn't my hobby, and
>>  I have too many other things I must do. It is my sincere wish that I
>>  will never explore the possibilities of Rev. I just want my stacks and
>>  reports to work, and not to become dangerously obsolete. I'll add a <g>
>>  to indicate the absence of malice, but I am not being ironic.
>I bet you'll get caught up like the rest of us -- it is hard to 
>avoid once you see the power at your fingertips. You will be 
>assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Okay, you've learned my secret. I'm a sucker for thinking up new 
features for my stacks. After all, I use them all day, every day. I 
know just enough to get theoretically ideas... And I know so little 
that it takes me forever to get them to work right. And then it takes 
another eternity to fix all the stuff I accidentally broke when I 
added the new feature. Thank God it's object oriented, or it would 
never work at all!

The really embarrassing part -- often I never use the clever new 
features I write. I sometimes find them by accident, years later, 
when I'm solving some other problem. Sometimes they still work!

Does this make me a geek, a nerd, obsessive-compulsive, or all of the above?



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