3 questions from a newbie
Rob Meijer
robmeyer at hetnet.nl
Thu Mar 31 14:14:34 EST 2005
Bedankt Klaus,
1. gelukt.
Robert zegt :
Create a listfield (scrollabel or not) and CHECK "autohilite" in the inspector,
maar beide adviezen kloppen niet,
want kennerlijk zit fillfield in de weg. (zie de email aan Robert)
Jouw script krijg ik niet aan de praat. Dat van Robert wekt.
Nu nog een permanente hilited line en alles is klaar!
At 16:26 31/3/2005, Klaus Major wrote:
>Dag Rob,
>>I am in my second trial period, still trying to
>>complete a application.
>>For this time I cannot find a solution for:
>>how to import an icon from elswhere?
>>I cannot find the good one in the build-in iconlist
>An icon is NOTHING else than a "simple" image displayed INSIDE a button!
>Do this:
>1. Import an image (jpg, gif, png)...
>2. Note its ID in the inspector "Basic Poperties"...
>3. Create a button and make it as big as the image, set its "show name" to
>4. Set its icon to the ID of the image -> "Icons and Borders" -> icon...
>Et voila, you created your first own "icon" :-)
>>In a listbox-field I want the selectedt line be hilited permanently
>>until a next line is clicked. Now the the line is hilited for the
>>tihe mouse is pressed down.
>Create a listfield (scrollabel or not) and UNCHECK "autohilite" in the
>Then put this into the script of that field:
>on mouseup
> set the hilitedlines of me to word 2 of the mouseline
>end mouseup
>Done :-)
>But please remember that the current behaviour IS the way listfields are
>supposed to work!
>>In the same listboxfield I want to choose a line just by pressing down
>>a key: f.i. the R to get the first line beginning with a R.
>Put this into the script of the card where your field is on:
>I refger to "fld 1" in my script!
>on keyUp lekey
> if lekey = "a" then
> set the scroll of fld 1 to 0
> set the hilitedlines of fld 1 to 1
> exit keyup
> end if
> put lineOffset(return & lekey, field 1) into lo
> set the scroll of field 1 to lo * the effective textHeight of field 1
> if lo = 0 then
> beep
> else
> set the hilitedlines of fld 1 to (lo + 1)
> ##send "mouseup" to fld 1
> ## Just in case you would like to "auto click" that line
> end if
>end keyUp
>Not tested! :-)
>>The only way to choose now is with mouse or arrow-keys.
>>Please reply to my own emailaddress too !!!!
>>Thanks a lot
>>robmeyer at hetnet.nl
>Tot dan & groetjes
>Klaus Major
>klaus at major-k.de
robmeyer at hetnet.nl
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