More Image problems

Klaus Major klaus at
Thu Mar 31 13:40:20 EST 2005

Bon soir Xavier,

> Grusse Klaus ;))
> I didn't think I could answer this today or in 2 weeks time - I tried
> upgrading my PC's cpu from 1.8 to 3GHz and 99% compatible Mobo wouldn't
> compute or start!
> PCs are horrible right?
> BIOS tests a gogo to make the 400/533MHZ FSB eat the 800MHz FSB of the 
> new
> cpu + web searches = all OK but mobo says nono! So Bought a new 
> modobordo
> (+ram (150$) but the power supply I had in my space PC case didn't 
> have the
> 12V cable!!! ARGH! So I had to strip my main PC down!!! When my pc 
> works,
> all the drives start acting up (the dual IDE master/slave/cable select
> juggling!!) Even my suspension on the Z3 wouldn't adjust today!!! My 
> 21"
> screen went down (2nd in 3 months!), bought a new LCD to claim my desk 
> space
> back but now it has problems displaying "black" only! What a day! Im 
> staying
> away from RunRev ;)
> But after I got the drives (all 3 for a total of 450GBS!) in, the old 
> OS
> booted and self updated (against my wishes ;)! Amazed, cause it's been 
> such
> a bad luck day even with the Z3! So I can actually reply this mail 
> today and
> im flabergasted by the OS in MS - for once!!! I thought only old MacOS 
> CPUs
> could boot on any harddisk!!! If you didn't get your scsi ids or 
> cables or
> termination wrong! ;)

Is it really worth it???

> But back to the image problems...
> ...
> This will happen only if you edit (or fake to do so like:
>> click with any paint tool and UNDO immediately) the imported image.
>> HINT: This is especially useful when working with custom cursors!!!
> you mean you know how to make transparent 8 bit-color cursors?
> Been searching for 18 months! :)

No i mean a correct looking and WORKING 1 bit cursor!
Only 1bit cursors are currently supported by Rev.

>>> That format supports 32-bit images (24 + 8 alpha) and so
>> exporting is
>>> ...
>> And we can always:
>> export img xyz to file "xyz.jpg" AS JPEG ## Or PNG or GIF
>> (yes, even GIF, but looks AWFUL :-D
> Writing it without "as something" resulted in something that wasn't
> something to a standard gif displayer! I didn't try back in Rev...

When using without "AS format" you end with an image in PBM, PGM or PPM
format, a VERY common image fileformat on UNIX, so they say ;-)

> Wish as
> <format> it worked... but not as I wanted >;)

??? Always worked for me...

>>> MisterX wrote:
>>>> Hum... Working with images is not innocent work!
>> Innocent?
>> I know what that means but in this context...?
> It wasn't intuitive again! ;) lots of possible errors without any 
> warning,
> result or error (im so surprised actually! No file and no error!). 
> When I
> tried to script "save as it" (where it = the paintcompression) it 
> wouldn't
> work! But the ugly dynamic script worked of course!
>>>> I would like to export an image. Simple...
>> Sure, very simple, if you know how ;-)
> That's my point! it's not innocently easy while it could really be!!! 
> save
> img x as thisfile shoult be enough of a default!!!

That's the way it works currently...
But the default format is the oh so beloved PBM, PGM or PPM format!

And IF it was that easy, then this list wouldn't be THAT fun anymore ;-)

>  IMOHO naturally... It's been improved since MC days but not a lot...
> Im going to send you a nice little stack for your review and you'll 
> see what
> I mean!!! !
>>>> But image names do not always have the .gif or .png or
>> .jpg in their
>>>> names.
>> Your problem ;-)
> Actually, no.

Well, actually i meant that the fact that images may not have a suffix
in their names IS your problem, since if it is your stack it IS your 
anyway and if it is not your stack, well, then you shouldn't mess around
with other peoples images ;-)

> Everyone who doesn't know the handy paintcompression property
> which I didn't see in the doc or see also (upcoming web note ;) -
> imagecompression or imageformat would have been more, eh, intuitive 
> maybe,
> no?

Sorry, cannot agree, imges/file formats/computer stuff per se IS a very
complex thing...

> I know how hard it gets to find names for functions after a few 
> hundreds
> but that one baffles me - while we do paint in a painting, we are 
> talking
> about an image control or object... so imagecompression would be cool 
> as in
> "i'll try any word that sounds common sense in my script, and it works

Please don't lets start discussing the sense of Rev's 
handlers/functions names!
It is like it is! :-)

>> But if you know the format you can simply:
>> ...
>> put img xyz into url("binfile:filename.jpg") ##or whatever...
>> ...
> The gif displayer from the dark side agrees with you ;) (cynical grin)


>>>> If you use the command line export img id x to file
>> thisfile you get nothing!
> That must have been a taoist script! Nothing in guise of something 
> makes
> something of anything! It created this mail thread in the least ;)

Well, in that case it is at least something :-)
To be honest, i hate this philosophical stuff!

> Xav


Klaus Major
klaus at

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