Enhanced QT External

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Wed Mar 30 08:58:31 EST 2005

Hi Richard,

> Klaus,
> I'm not having any luck with that. No error occurs, but I see no 
> flipping either.

Hmmm, does here...

> My question was meant to ask if  this command stands alone.


>  In other words, once the command is issue, is the entire movie 
> immediately flipped... or just a given frame?

The whole movie.

> Is it to be used in a loop? Trying just your syntax below yielded 
> nothing for me.

OK, i just found a little ehm... inconvenience in the syntax -> Setting 

Compile error:
Expression: Bad factor!

Since ON is a reserved word/keyword i found that this workaround does 
work here:
(Do you read this, Trevor? Time to change that little setting thing, 
maybe to yes/no? ;-)

  put "on" into status
   qtFlipMovie (the moviecontrollerid of player "john"),horizontal,status
   if the result <> empty then
     answer "Damn, an error occured... :-("
   end if

This flipped the complete movie here even "live", read while the movie 
is playing...

> And yes, I know the externals are installed... other Enhanced QT 
> functions work fine.

Hmm, try that one above and tell me...

> Thanks.
> Richard


Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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