Math wizardry

Jim Hurley jhurley at
Mon Mar 28 13:34:21 EST 2005


I should have said that the funciton "theLineAngle" below assumes you 
define the line *either* by the two end points p1, and p2


by the line as defined in Run Rev, that is "the points of grc 
"myLine". The "points" consists of the point p1 followed by a return 
character and then point p2.

So that you can say:

put  theLineAngle(the points of grc "myLine") into tAngleOne.


function theLineAngle p1,p2
   --Angle of line defined by the two points p1 and p2
   get the paramcount
   if it is 1 then
     put line 2 of p1 into p2
     put line 1 of p1 into p1
   end if
   put item 1 of p2 - item 1 of p1 into dx
   put item 2 of p2 - item 2 of p1 into dy
   put atan2(dy,dx) into tAngle
  return (tAngle)
end theLineAngle

The function theAngleBetween will always return an angle "a" such that 0<a<pi/2

I think this is the number you want. If not, let me know.

(If you want degrees, multiply all angle in radians by 180/pi.)


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