help with HTML escaping...

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Sun Mar 27 18:13:32 EST 2005


Thanks! Actually for my needs, a simple get the htmltext of fld body, 
worked, it gave me all the entities escaped. :D

Thanks again!

On Mar 27, 2005, at 5:51 PM, Sivakatirswami wrote:

> Yes, I do this  a lot ...  dealing with diacriticals in books that 
> have to go out to the web. Complete transformations of one font into 
> another font (every single character gets replaced), fixing broken 
> links in 100's of web pages... I have found absolutely nothing that 
> can do this as efficiently as Revolution.   Sometimes transforming 
> characters across thousands of files. Operations that may take only 22 
> seconds across 3,000 web pages (on the LAN) in Revolution, would take 
> hours in GoLive and probably GoLive would simply choke in the end.  
> Because it is doing so much tracking and updating of it's internal 
> data base of the webSite. I've been using my Rev App for 4 years and 
> *never* had a single failure, bad write or corrupt file, not once.
> First rule: Don't read data into a field.
> Basic implementation is to get a list of paths to files that need work 
> in one field called "fileList"
> then run scripts against those files like this, where the fld ""sNr" 
> is a series of lines with
> [stringToReplace] tab [stringToChangeTo] in each line.
> I keep a library of these "arrays" in a substack and pass them to fld 
> "sNr"
> writes to a new file, same name with galley # added.
> on mouseUp
>   set the cursor to watch
>   put ticks() into tStart
>   put empty into fld "resultList"
>  answer "This operation will output a new file with " & quote & "2" & 
> quote & cr &\
> "appended to the file name. Continue?" with "No" or "Yes"
> if it is "No" then exit MouseUp
> set the caseSensitive to (the hilite of btn "Case sensitive")
>   set the itemdel to tab
>   put fld "sNr" into tChanges
>   put fld "fileList" into tFileList
>   repeat for each line y in tFileList
>     set the itemdel to tab
>     put url ("file:"&y) into tFileData
>     repeat for each line z in tChanges
>       replace (item 1 of z)  with (item 2 of z) in tFileData
>     end repeat
>     if the hilite of btn "Write New File" then
>     set the itemdel to "."
>     put item 1 of y &"-g2" & ".txt" into x
>     put tFileData into  url ("file:"&x)
>     else
>     put tFiledata into url ("file:"&y)
>     end if
> end repeat
>   calcTime(tStart)
> end mouseUp
> It's  actually incredibly simple.
> If you want the stack, let me know off's a bit of a mess but 
> works great.
> Sivakatirswami
> On Mar 26, 2005, at 1:27 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I am having some trouble escaping text with international characters 
>> for HTML pages. I thought a simple approach, I built a field with all 
>> the escapes like:
>> ‡ á
>> Ž é
>> ç Á
>> ...
>> and stuff like that, then I used a repeat loop to loop thru the data 
>> replacing the ocurrence of the first char with the corresponding HTML 
>> entity, guess what? It does not work, the replace command is not 
>> replacing them, it's a big field, it works only for some lines, 
>> others are completelly ignored, I used the debugger to iterate thru  
>> the code, and guess what, it's all appearing correct just the engine 
>> is telling the the "Ž" inside the field is not the same "Ž" that it 
>> needs to escape... damn. Any clue out there? does anyone here got a 
>> HTML escaping routines for international chars?
>> Andre
>> -- 
>> Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL
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Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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