help with HTML escaping...

Andre Garzia soapdog at
Sat Mar 26 18:27:45 EST 2005

Hi Folks,

I am having some trouble escaping text with international characters 
for HTML pages. I thought a simple approach, I built a field with all 
the escapes like:

‡ á
Ž é
ç Á

and stuff like that, then I used a repeat loop to loop thru the data 
replacing the ocurrence of the first char with the corresponding HTML 
entity, guess what? It does not work, the replace command is not 
replacing them, it's a big field, it works only for some lines, others 
are completelly ignored, I used the debugger to iterate thru  the code, 
and guess what, it's all appearing correct just the engine is telling 
the the "Ž" inside the field is not the same "Ž" that it needs to 
escape... damn. Any clue out there? does anyone here got a HTML 
escaping routines for international chars?

Andre Alves Garzia ð 2004 ð BRAZIL

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