Catching errors

MisterX b.xavier at
Fri Mar 25 18:50:06 EST 2005

> Mr. X, although I'm fascinated by your research and coding I 
> find your naming of your framework XOS somewhat misleading 
> and strange, since you have clearly described it as a 
> framework and not an Operating System.


Im honored! Sorry, I couldn't reduce this more but you'll get your answers
in my prose and more ideas. I dont pretend to have the best tools or
solution, just a cool project that's snowballing...

XOS is the third code name of my original single stack "Referencer" ebook
project. The [cross-]referencer which was my college study cloneable ebook
which cross referenced all categories, keywords, links and attributes or the
attributes values. It never reached the full functionality because of the
32KB limit in HC... 

Soon it became a nightmare to update the same buttons across all cloned
stacks (with different knowledge bases)...

So I learned about stacksinuse and, well, put them to use and made the
"data" stacks much simpler with a centralized script pool... The stacksinuse
soon got too big too, not to mention the price of storage and the slow mac
cpus which wasn't cheap while HC stacks were getting voluminous thanks to
automatic file scanning! ;)

The second version (linear dynamic loading stacksinuse - a real mess) was
called objx. But limits started showing again. The internet came and someone
had already taken ObjX. I was lost in indexes... Report9to5, Jovis, and my
object API was just constant trial and error... 

Release 3 was the coolest! It did relational lookups in seconds and had much
more intelligence than Sherlock on MacOS 8!!! Interlocked messaging action
queues with logs, events at idle, and incremental global menus, dynamic
persistent globals, etc... It did the Euroda to HC archival a piece of

Nothing amazing but the whole ebook was alive, dynamically updating itself,
never forgetting! And throwing verbobject commands was the way to talk to my
mac! Last I did was add a South Park character to build a mood manager ;)

So XOS was the next name for exo-operating system. exo was the keyword...
Exo like external or exothermic... outside... you work with your data in
this it world for which you dont care... my info, my object, fetch pupu... 

That's the basics story behind the name... All this for a dynamic free-form
datase + template friendly api! Now XOS has been overused by more than one
company and im just calling xos the "project"'s code name - not the final
product. Framework X is kinda longa... Also restrictive. XOS is a philosophy
more than a framework. And this phylosophy is both a design and language
metaphor as I said. 

One unintended intent of xos is the applications like archival,
data-self-organizing, easy search/edit, etc... So it's also a server, a
front-end, database and ide if you want to look at it that way... But I
pretend nothing... It's what you want to do with the basic objects at any
time - any of them and in minutes - all prewired! I love to hear the term
mission critical applications and I aim to wipe out the tool in minutes next

So the New code name for Release 4 will be TAOO - The Art Of Objects.

Thanks for motivating that one... The acronym was a bit
overcooked ;)

Sorry to bore you out with this... 
The referencer stacks still work today btw ;)

It's just the phylosophy I use in Xtalk for the past 15 years! I dont boast
on it's high tech but on it's "operability" and it's almost alive sometimes!
It's Xtalk as usual!


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