OT: Analyzing competitors - In this case Real Software

Keith Hutchison keith.hutchison at balance-infosystems.com
Tue Mar 22 17:06:52 EST 2005

> Rev:
> -----
> put the effective textFont of the selection into tFont
> if tFont <> the label of me then
>   select line (lineOffset(cr& tFont &cr,cr&btn "FontMenu"&cr)) of
>     btn "FontMenu"
> end if
> or, if you like a one-liner:
> select line (lineOffset(cr&(the effective textFont of the selection)
>   &cr,cr&btn "FontMenu"&cr)) of btn "FontMenu"

You could also subclass, or extend the syntax of realBasic and have code
which is
RealBasic - one line
fontMenuButton.font = Me.SelTextFont

with the font method you then test if the new value equals the old value and
then take the action you want.

Which code is easier to read/understand?

If I want a font menu on a window I just drop a popup menu on the window and
set it's subclass to kjtlPopupMenuFont.

That's it.

Ignorance is a dangerous thing ...

Keith Hutchison

postgresql - mysql - dbf
Foxpro - Delphi - MS Access - REALbasic - Java
http://balance-infosystems.com http://realopen.org

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