[ANN]Tao of RunRev, RunRev Wishlist, and RunRev Documentation Projects

Richard Gaskin ambassador at fourthworld.com
Tue Mar 22 15:34:21 EST 2005

Mikey wrote:
> As sort of a curiosity I started some blogs on blogger.com last week. 
> After playing with it, I decided to start three projects:
> The Tao of RunRev (taoOfRunRev.blogspot.com), designed to document
> quirks, exceptions, etc. in RR that people might not otherwise be
> aware of
> RunRev Wishlist (rrwishlist.blogspot.com), and
> RunRev Documentation Project (runrevdocs.blogspot.com), which I might
> abandon if I can ever track down the parallel RunRev documentation
> project that was started on Yahoo, if it has legs.
> The beauty of these projects is that it can be both a user-community
> project and yet controlled so that outsiders are not able to pollute
> it.
> I am asking for the following:
> 1) People with stuff to contribute to these projects
> 2) People to assist in improving the blogs in a more general way (i.e.
> from a higher level, look & feel, etc.)
> If you're interested, please email me right here.  In the meantime,
> the Tao project is the only thing that I've actually posted anything
> to yet.
> Thanks!
> Mike.

I'm impressed by the energy and enthusiasm with which you've jumped into 
to learning Rev, and returning the results of that learning to the 

Great stuff!

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World Media Corporation
  Ambassador at FourthWorld.com       http://www.FourthWorld.com

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