Can a Revolution standalone application save data?

T. R. Ponn alptex2 at
Sun Mar 20 08:40:25 EST 2005


I would save it to a text or binary file upon quitting.  Then either 
automatically open it during startup (ie cfg file)...or provide the user 
with a "open file" scheme in your app.  You can tamper-proof (to a good 
degree) by building an encode/decode function with a checksum.  All 
fairly easy to accomplish.

You can also generate many checksums...each one for a different section 
of your file...this will drive hackers nuts. :-)

Best Regards,

Tim Ponn

Stgoldberg at wrote:

>Please excuse a beginner's question:   I am working with Revolution on a 
>Macintosh and would like to create an application that can be used on Windows, one 
>in which the user puts some information into a field.   I would like enable 
>the user to save that information when the program closes.   Is this possible 
>in Revolution?   I get the impression that the only way to save information is 
>to use a stack that has not been not converted to a standalone application.   
>But if it is not converted to standalone, how can I get the program over to 
>Windows? And how can I avoid tampering with the program structure by a user who 
>is using the stack on the Macintosh?   Thanks very much.
>Steve Goldberg
>use-revolution mailing list
>use-revolution at

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