Can Revolution communicate with Excel?

xbury.cs at xbury.cs at
Fri Mar 18 02:32:51 EST 2005

Thanks Ken,

That will save me a bit of research and testing I was preparing ;)


On 18.03.2005 08:18:11 use-revolution-bounces wrote:
>That's neat. Now it means I can 'script' complex .NET code too...
>Ken Ray <kray at> wrote:
>On 3/17/05 7:06 PM, "Stgoldberg at" wrote:
>> Wow! I'm a new user and really impressed with how quick (and accurate) 
>> first question was answered. I thank everyone who answered. Perhaps 
>> can
>> also answer the following: Is there any way in which data (e.g. a 
>> calculated at in a Revolution stack can be automatically transferred to 
>> given
>> cell (field) in an Excel program? Thanks again.
>Here's the way to do it for Mac. The basic script for AppleScript is like
>tell application "Microsoft Excel"
>set value of cell "B3" to 500
>end tell
>To translate this to Revolution, you'd do this (I use a q() function for
>quoting data that makes it easier to work with):
>on mouseUp
>SendToXL "500","B3"
>end mouseUp
>on SendToXL pWhat,pCell
>put "tell app" && q("Microsoft Excel") & cr & \
>"set value of cell" && q(pCell) && "to" && q(pWhat) & cr & \
>"end tell" into tScript
>do tScript as AppleScript
>end SendToXL
>function q pWhat
>return quote & pWhat & quote
>end q
>Here's the way to do it for Windows. The basic VB Script code looks like
>Dim ObjXL
>Set ObjXL = GetObject(,"Excel.Appliction")
>ObjXL.Range("B3").Value = "500"
>To translate this to Revolution, you need to output this to a .vbs file 
>"run" it, and then delete it when you're done. Here's how:
>on mouseUp
>SendToXL "500","B3"
>end mouseUp
>on SendToXL pWhat,pCell
>put "Dim ObjXL" & cr & \
>"Set ObjXL = GetObject(," & q("Excel.Application") & ")" & \
>"ObjXL.Range(" & q(pCell) & ").Value =" && q(pWhat) into tScript
>-- Put the script into a file on disk
>put "C:\VBSTemp.vbs" into tFile
>put tScript into url("file:" & tFile)
>-- Run the file
>set the hideConsoleWindows to true
>get shell("cscript.exe //nologo" && tFile)
>-- Now, delete the file; best way is to give it 1 second to complete
>-- before deleting, so I'll use the "send in " method to
>-- do this:
>send "delete file" && q(tFile) to me in 1 second
>end SendToXL
>If you're developing cross-platform, you can merge them into the same
>handler by checking "the platform":
>on SendToXL pWhat,pCell
>switch (the platform)
>case "MacOS"
>-- put the Mac code here
>case "Win32"
>-- put the Windows code here
>end switch
>end SendToXL
>Hope this helps,
>Ken Ray
>Sons of Thunder Software
>Web site:
>Email: kray at
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