Trial software and registering

kevin at kevin at
Wed Mar 16 11:53:09 EST 2005

I'm a newbee but worked out this one for one of my apps. As it stands, I
have to build a costom copy for each user but I do that anyway.
It would be very simple though to get the app to write the date to file on
installation and read from it each time it opens but that does leave it open
for someone to find the file and alter it or change the system date.
Of course none of this helps if the PC isn't connected to the internet..


-- Create a hidden field called "date" in your main stack & fill it with the
expiry date - (internet date format) and convert it to seconds

put the internet date into field "currentdate"

convert fld "currentdate" to seconds

if field "currentdate" > field "date" then answer "Software Expired -
Please select Renew Subscription or EXIT" with "EXIT" or "Renew

if it is "Renew Subscription" then  DO WHATEVER YOU NEED

if it is "EXIT" then close stack "stackName"

So simple that I hope I'm not missing something....


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