thanks for the info. Another question

Kevin J kj2005.28 at
Wed Mar 9 22:34:19 EST 2005

Now what happens when you have say 

ask"What is your name"
ask"What is your age"

do you use it for both? 

ask"What is your name?"
put it into name
ask"What is your age?"
put it into age

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 13:25:33 +1000, Sarah Reichelt
<sarahr at> wrote:
> > Hi thanks for all the usful info. Now I have just started to play
> > around with revolution. What I was trying to do was when a user clicks
> > a button(named askquestion) it would load a popup asking for the users
> > name(Wich I figured out how to do (ask "What is your name?"). Now what
> > i want to do is have the program answer the user with (answer "hello
> > <user name>"). How would I write a script to do that.
> >
> The result of an "ask" is put into the variable called "it", so you can
> do this:
> on mouseUp
>    ask "What is your name?"
>    put it into yourName
>    if yourName is empty then
>      -- either they clicked Cancel or they didn't enter anything
>      answer "Not talking, eh?"
>    else
>      answer "Hello " & yourName
>    end if
> end mouseUp
> HTH,
> Sarah

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