Quicktime sound compression on Windows

Richard Miller wow at together.net
Wed Mar 9 07:22:26 EST 2005

I'm using the following script and noticing the resulting Quicktime 
wave file always shows up compressed via Integer (Little Indian)... at 
least according to the Quicktime movie info dialogue box. How can I 
switch to a different compressor?

on wavStartRecording soundfile
   if isrecording is true then wavStopRecording
   put soundfile into recordfilename
   if there is a file recordfilename then delete file recordfilename
   get MCISendString("open new type waveaudio alias myrecordsound")
   get MCISendString("set myrecordsound bitspersample 16")
   get MCISendString("set myrecordsound channels 1")
   get MCISendString("set myrecordsound samplespersec 11025")
   get MCISendString("set myrecordsound bytespersec 11025")
   get MCISendString("set myrecordsound time format ms")
   get MCISendString("record myrecordsound")	
   put true into isrecording
end wavStartRecording	

Richard Miller

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