Waiting for a handler to finish

Jim Hurley jhurley at infostations.com
Sat Mar 5 12:54:09 EST 2005

I'm having problems with messages.

I want to have an oval graphic fade out to 0 width and height, 
relocate to a new position and then fade in with diamMax width and 
height at the new location.

And I want all this to happen while another graphic is moving on the 
screen. For this reason, all loops are executed with "send" messages 
in xx time.

I have tried the following:

local diamMax

on mouseUp

   send "mouseUP" to grc "myGraphic"

   --The above command starts "myGraphic" in motion.
   --That motion is executed with {"send ..... in 10 millisec" and
   --is suppose to continue while the rest of this script is running.

   put the width of me  into diamMax

   --I want the following doFadeOut to complete execution before 
"doFadeIn" starts.
   doFadeOut diamMax

   --The following wait doesn't do what I want.
   --It halts everything since the message is received at the
   --first execution of doFadeOut.
   wait until "doFadeOut" is not in the pendingMessages --What do I 
need to do here?
   set the loc of me to 200,200
   doFadeIn 0
end mouseUP

on doFadeOut r
   set the width of me to r
   set the height of me to r
   if r =0 then exit doFadeOut
   send "doFadeOut r-1" to me in 1 tick
end doFadeOut

on doFadeIn r
   set the width of me to r
   set the height of me to r
   if r = diamMax then exit doFadeIn
   send "doFadeIn r+1" to me in 1 tick
end doFadeIn

I guess I could insert a wait diamMax ticks (plus something for good 
measure). But there must be a way of detecting when doFadOut has 
finished and then moving on.


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