Addressing images

MisterX b.xavier at
Tue Mar 1 12:30:11 EST 2005

set the traversal of the control to false...

For fields you have the textlock and the autohilite too

Depends what you want to lock... Disabled is not always my
favorite "look" result...

Have the card script record your clicks because that's where 
you draw. To do that, trap the mousedown and record the mouseloc
at different events or in a 

-- beginners but the natural way
repeat while the mouse is down
  do the drawloop thing
end repeat
-- intermediate but more efficient - but debatable

use a clicklock mechanism with timed send events to redraw the
graphics or paint lines...

But the beginners method is quite easy and works most of the time
for simplicity and perenity's sake.

A better approach is to group your drawings or graphics so you 
draw them into a "graphic" group. Then it's better to put the
scripts that detect dragging in the group whose locklocation is
better set to true.

Last but not least... using a picture as the background for a 
group or the cursor solves lots of interactive GUI issues!

filter the revdocs with "cursor"

Maybe there's already a solution out there in RevLogo?

-- - nitrous flavored plug-ins for Rev'ing your apps

> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-bounces at 
> [mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of 
> Jim Hurley
> Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2005 18:06
> To: use-revolution at
> Subject: Addressing images
> (Somehow this message was garbled in the previous  post. I 
> just sent it to myself, and it seems OK.  Trying again.)
> I've discovered I don't know the first thing about addressing images.
> Suppose I have created two images, "myFIrstImage" and "mySecondImage."
> The rect of each is set to the screenRect
> How do I select the image which the next drag command applies 
> to, that is
> choose the pencil tool
> drag from 100,100 to 200,200
> If this were a graphic, I could address the graphic by name, that is
> Set the points of graphic "myGraphic" to ........
> Or suppose I have an imported jpg and a blank image 
> "myBlankImage", how do I direct the drag command to 
> "myBlankImage" and not to the jpg?
> Jim
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