TIP: New Image Checking Script v2

MisterX b.xavier at internet.lu
Fri Jun 24 06:25:43 EDT 2005

OK after the past comments received, here the latest script to scan all your
stacks for existing images and thus avoid possible conflict or patterns or
icons not
showing up correctly.

I added a template to list the images' locations too since that could be
useful to 
find the conflicting images... ListImageNamelocations will thus list all
of an image with a name in the long id of card form. 

I changed the way the string was searched in the image search loops so it's
faster too.
Which is faster "is in" or "offset()>0"

The ImageIDExists and ImageNameExists are boolean functions and made for
not for extensive search; for a listing of the container of the image name
you might
search use the ListImageNamelocations or make your own variations. It's as
as it gets so you can extend with your own wrappers or within your scripts.

Other possibilities, if you want to contribute back (those wrappers might be
for many different occasions - like listing images by name or id or both in
a list and 
so on. Before you decide to script them, ask if i haven't dont so already, i
might sooner 
or later.

Also added 2 handlers to update the image list on a per-card or per-stack
all the cards) into the image global database - this preventing a complete
There's a "force" parameter to make sure you can resynch if you made
extensive changes. 
For most cases the Force=ON should be ok and not felt.



Global XOS

function ImageIDExists imgID
  RefreshGlobalImages true
  put the keys of xos into ilist
  filter ilist with "StackImages,*"
  filter ilist without "*imgcount"
  sort ilist
  repeat for each line thisstack in ilist
    if cr&imgID&comma is in cr&xos[thisstack]
    then return true
  end repeat
  return false
end ImageIDExists

function ImageNameExists imgName
  RefreshGlobalImages true
  put the keys of xos into ilist
  filter ilist with "StackImages,*"
  filter ilist without "*imgcount"
  sort ilist
  repeat for each line thisstack in ilist
    if comma & imgName & CR is in xos[thisstack]&CR
    then return true
  end repeat
  return false
end ImageNameExists

function ListImageNamelocations imgName
  RefreshGlobalImages true
  put the keys of xos into ilist
  filter ilist with "StackImages,*"
  filter ilist without "*imgcount"
  sort ilist
  put empty into response
  repeat for each line thisstack in ilist
    if comma & imgName & CR is in xos[thisstack] & CR
    then put "card id" && item 3 of thisstack && "of stack" && quoteit(item
2 of thisstack) & cr after response
  end repeat
  if response is not empty then delete last char of response
  return response
end ListImageNamelocations

on RefreshCardImages thisstack,cdid
  put the number of images in cd id cdid of stack thisstack into imgcount
  if imgcount is not xos["StackImages",thisstack,cdid,"imgcount"] then
    put imgcount into xos["StackImages",thisstack,cdid,"imgcount"]
    repeat with x = 1 to imgcount
      put the properties of img x of cd id cdid of stack thisstack into
      put imgprops["id"],imgprops["name"] into line x of
    end repeat
  end if
end RefreshCardImages

on RefreshStackImages thisstack, force
  put the number of cds in stack thisstack into cdcount
  repeat with c = 1 to cdcount
    set cursor to busy
    put the short id of cd c of stack thisstack into cdid
    put the number of images in cd id cdid of stack thisstack into imgcount
    if cdcount>1000 then put "scanning stack:"&&thisstack & ", card" && c
&"/"&cdcount&" - "&imgcount && "images found"
    if force is true or imgcount is not
xos["StackImages",thisstack,cdid,"imgcount"] then
      put imgcount into xos["StackImages",thisstack,cdid,"imgcount"]
      repeat with x = 1 to imgcount
        put the properties of img x of cd id cdid of stack thisstack into
        put imgprops["id"],imgprops["name"] into line x of
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat
end RefreshStackImages

on RefreshGlobalImages force
  put the windows into wlist
  repeat for each line thisstack in the windows
    RefreshStackImages thisstack, force
  end repeat
end RefreshGlobalImages

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