Printing is hell

Sarah Reichelt sarahr at
Wed Jun 15 18:25:29 EDT 2005

> I'm on a windows machine with Rev 2.6 , creating a stack which has  
> the dimension to fill a
> A4-page, creating an image object or importing an img or creating a  
> text field with a
> border, placing these anywhere on the stack (here first cd) and  
> then telling Rev to print
> the stack gives me the result that the top line of the image/fld/ 
> graphic is missing ?????
> It has not been printed ?
> Why ?
> Is this related to the printer ? (printermargins do matter here...)
> When I print the stack via a "PDFCreator", a PDF-document is  
> created which, printed out
> with Adobe Reader, has no problems...

PDFCreator is effectively a virtual printer i.e. your Rev app is  
printing to it as if it was a real printer. If that works OK, then I  
would guess it is a printer problem. Try making sure that your  
printer drivers are up-to-date and check what the effective print  
size of your printer is.

One point that I found confusing is that when you get the  
printPaperSize, this INCLUDES the printMargins. If I go to page setup  
& choose A4 portrait on my printer, I get a printPaperSize of  
595,842. The printMargins are 72,72,72,72 so the width of printing I  
can use is not 595 but 595 - 72 - 72 or 451 pixels.

For testing purposes, I make a stack that I think is the correct size  
and draw a rectangle around the edges of the stack. Then I print  
preview this, adjusting the size until it all fits on the page. Don't  
include the printMargins in your stack size - make it the size of the  
available print area.


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