File name of stack weirdness

Klaus Major klaus at
Tue Jun 7 08:03:05 EDT 2005

Hi Chris,

> Klaus -
> Thanks for looking at this.  The problem I have is not the end of  
> the string (bundle path) but the beginning!  On my G5 it correctly  
> returns "/Volumes/Hard_Disk_Name/...", but on G3 it starts with the  
> application root, i.e. it doesn't return the full path to the HD root.
> The app happily works without this full path, but the problem is, I  
> need to pass the full path to another (SuperCard) app.

oh, sorry, yes, i misunderstood your problem.

But this can also be easily worked around, looks like this is a  
"Tiger" feature
(putting "/Volumes/Bootvolume/" before everypath on the boot volume.

put the filename of this stack into fn
set the itemdel to "/"
if item 2 of fn <> "Volumes" then
    put "/Volumes" & line 1 of the volumes & "/" before fn
end if

"the volumes" returns a list of all harddisks and the fiurst line  
will contain your
"boot volume"

Hope this helps.

> !?!
> Chris


Klaus Major
klaus at

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