How to find and replace

Mark Greenberg markgreenberg at
Mon Jun 6 18:35:18 EDT 2005

	I didn't totally understand your question, but Rev has several ways to 
match text.  RegEx, which is a tiny language imbedded into Rev, will 
match just about any pattern you want, including "da" without matching 
"das" or "Mandant" or even "Da" if you want.  Here's how in Rev-RegEx:

Put "The day is dappled with da and dads."

MatchText (MyText, "\<da\>")
--returns true because da is by itself.

ReplaceText (MyText, "\<da\>", "Ra")
--returns "The day is dappled with Ra and dads."

Try it in script, not the message box, which seems not to like RegEx.

	Mark G

On Monday, June 6, 2005, at 12:56 PM, Christian wrote:

> I click  "da" and I just want this to be replaced in the field
> (not  "das", "Dach","Dame",...)
> How can I solve this ?

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