new things to worry about...

MisterX b.xavier at
Mon Jun 6 13:35:59 EDT 2005

TAOO, i hope to demonstrate soon, 
is much more worrysome... 

Multi-OS no matter what "your" style of 
data, gui behavior, i/o or themastic preference your heart desires...

Like wiki, i hope people will start jumping in but without microsft's
income or arms, it feels quite helpless... but i know it's an exponential 
question of getting it all rolling...

Worry about that! 

Think Economics+design+oop+HC/MC/SC/RR+anything else.

I share that with you guys because the winning ingredients in any race are
not in the car or engine or IDE or OS, it's in the non-written rules of the
game and how you overscript* the rest.


cheers from cyberspace[NAN-1]
Xavier - any object is worth a myriad of objects

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