Dreamcard Roadster in the future???

Troy Rollins troy at rpsystems.net
Sun Jun 5 21:19:02 EDT 2005

On Jun 5, 2005, at 9:03 PM, Brian Yennie wrote:

> Simply put, the majority of Revolution projects use features that 
> don't exist in Flash. Not to mention that moving from a card metaphor 
> to a frame metaphor barely even registers...
> I think it's a noble idea, but the two environments are hardly similar 
> at all...

Exactly. And it isn't just the environments... it is the distributable 
file too. SWF is a compiled format, based in OOP and a vector display 
engine, with a security sandbox. Rev is non-oop procedural, with native 
controls. They simply don't translate well.

I can only imagine the hideous SWFs it would create *AFTER* obeying the 
HUGE list of caveats which would be required. The whole thing would be 
so crippled, that no one would actually use it. Can you even imagine 
the debugging process? Suffice it to say that only the most moronically 
simple Rev project could even hope to survive the conversion.

Spend far more than the available resources, to do a poor job of 
publishing to a competitor's proprietary runtime format, which 
incidentally has very little in common with Rev at all... sure!! 
Keeping in mind that Adobe could change the SWF plugin on a whim, 
leaving Rev, where?

Noble, perhaps, but the whole idea makes no (business) sense 
whatsoever.  And after all, Flash isn't so hard to learn...

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