Trying to code the fastest algorithm...

jbv jbv.silences at
Sun Jun 5 05:14:43 EDT 2005

Hi list,

I'm trying to build the fastest possible algorithm for the
following task :
I have a variable containing reference words; each "word"
in this variable is considered as an item.
I also have a list of "sentences" (each sentence being a
list of "words" separated by spaces), 1 per line. Each
sentence can contain 1 or more words from the reference,
as well as other words.

I need to determine for each sentence, which words from
the reference are included in it, in which order, and output
a list of offsets.
For example :
    reference variable :  W1,W2,W3,W4
    sentence 1 : Wx W2 Wy Wz W3
    output : 2,3

And last but not least, I need to keep only sentences that
contain more than 1 word from the reference.

Here's the fastest script I managed to code :

put "" into newList
repeat for each line j in mySentences
    put j into a
    replace " " with itemdelimiter in a
    put "" into b

    repeat for each item i in it
        get itemoffset(i,myReference)
        if it>0 then
            put it & itemdelimiter after b
        end if
    end repeat

    if b contains itemdelimiter then
        delete last char of b
        put b & cr after newList
    end if
 end repeat

But I was wondering if there was any faster approach...


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