running rev cgi on Mac OS X Server

Todd Higgins higginsta at
Sat Jun 4 08:30:31 EDT 2005

(I am apologize if this is a dupe, this is the 3rd attempt to get  
this message to the list.)

I am trying to run a rev cgi on my Mac OS X Server and I am running  
into an error.  First of all I am following the excellent article on  (Thanks for the  
resource.)  I was not able to find the Darwin engine to download, so  
I pulled the executable out of the

I am getting the following error in my web server log when I try to  
run the hello.cgi.

     [Fri Jun  3 23:36:59 2005] [error] [client]  
Premature end of script headers: /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/ 

When I run the script in the message box I get this error:

     Script compile error:
     Error description: Handler: error in command

What am I doing something wrong?  I have retyped the script verbatim  
(w/ TextWrangler) and saved it to the server with the proper  

hello.cgi script begin --


on startup
   put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr & cr
   put "Hello World!"
end startup

-- script ends

Any suggestions?  Is it possible that the rev engine is not running?   
Or is there something wrong with the formatting of my script?

Thanks in advance.


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