Creating Drag and Drop

Klaus Major klaus at
Thu Jun 2 13:57:40 EDT 2005

Hi Emilio,

> Dear Eric
> I now realize this code is not what i need because it implements  
> drap and drop with objects outside of the Revolution Window.  It  
> does not appear that dragEnter and dragDrop fire for objects within  
> the revolution window.  That is, I want to drag objects that are  
> within the window.  Perhaps I am not using your code correctly, but  
> I do not see how to make a field or button cause the dragEnter  
> command to fire.  I would like the user to drag a field or button  
> around, place it over an image or field and then store the name or  
> ID of the field/button they just dragged for later use.  What i'm  
> stuck on is determining whether the source field/button is over the  
> target field/image AND which commands fire and in what order.
> Thank you for your time.

if i remember correctly Scott Rossi has a "Drag Sample" stack,
which does exactly what you need.

It works with the "mousemove" message, i think...

Scott, could you supply an URL for that one?

> Emilio


Klaus Major
klaus at

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