MisterX b.xavier at internet.lu
Sat Jul 30 14:55:00 EDT 2005

Hi fractal lovers
i've still to find the recursive quantic xor funktion to make an easy and
fast mandelbrot in rev however i have made 11 more fractal/moire types for
my moire engine MoireX Vol3 since first release...
if there is any interest, i will post it via monsieurx.com if not, i will
post it in the near temporal spaceline when i complete 15-25 different types
of moire fractals... the lack of feedback makes me really not happy to
release it... As if no one appreciates these nice demos... 
The reason i hold here as ransom for more is that if there is any interest,
we could generate a few hundred more and chart this region of
chromatographic space over polar and rectangular coordinates. It is a study
in quantic chromas which is a region of math-space that is defined as visual
candy out of macro-astronomic and subatomic stat spaces... IOWs, it's
something real despite the fact that we dont know what it represents ;)
Im missing one piece though... how to animate the palettes... If there's any
ideas, we could have something even cooler than toasted bread colored
screens... Anyone remember the old MacOS screensaver? Even AfterDark didn't
come close to it... 
http://www.jbum.com/pixmagic/gallogic.html (if you look hard you will also
find code for 2 wheel spyrographs).
was the source of inspiration that led me to the actual fractal/moire i was
trying to generate with the rev contest 10 line script - and i wasn't far
although that's debatable... And now, im 11 steps ahead with a smoother
color engine without changing the drawing code at all! I never thought i'd
do such cool gradients - but i still haven't tought of making button
gradients to compete with Chipp's great buttons ;)
Remember, with GradientNO2 you can make gradient colored flat 3D buttons ;)
This makes N-Dimentional color interpretation possible! colorblind people
could find a universal translator application here. it's not such a wild and
dumb theory you know!

What's next? 3D convoluted temporal distortions in subspace and quantum
dimensions in color gradients ;) So where's the subspace functions in rev ?
:) Computer, activate Emergency Logic Program...
I dont know what it is but more than fertile imagination does ;)
So if you like this stuff, let me know and I will post the "upgrade" for
on-going-online-development activities!
this is more fun than GTR... Well, almost... Driving me on the edge is not
that easy ;)

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