Help, what am I doing wrong???

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Sat Jul 30 12:59:45 EDT 2005

--- Dennis Brown <see3d at> wrote:
> I have the following script (much simplified from
> original).
> In the form shown, it generates results and saves
> them into the  
> following variable names:
> openSAW
> openSAWW
> openSAWWW
> openSAWWWW
> openSW
> This is not what I intended!
> However if I make a small change to the script as
> shown in the  
> comments it works fine and fills the globals with
> the results.
> Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong with the
> original script?
> Dennis

Hi Dennis,

I believe this was largely due to modifying the
control variable <inName1> within the repeat loop. I
made some other changes, and you'll find the result

on mouseUp
  local inNames1,fileText1
into inNames1
  put "123"&cr&"456"&cr&"789" into fileText1
  repeat for each item inName1x in inNames1
    put inName1X & "W" into inName1
    do ("global" && inName1 & ";put fileText1 into" &&
    do ("global" && inName1 & ";split" && inName1 &&
"with cr")
  end repeat
end mouseUp

Running the above script seemed to work for me.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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