Getting the type code of a file under OSX

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Sat Jul 30 07:19:52 EDT 2005

Hi Dave,

You are perfectly right: I missed this one.
So a reliable function could be:

function CreatorAndType pFilePath
   local tDefaultFolder,tFile,tCreatorType
   if the platform <> "MacOs" then return "Error: filetype not  
   put the defaultFolder into tDefaultFolder
   set the itemdel to slash
   set the defaultFolder to item 1 to -2 of pFilePath
   put urlDecode(the detailed files) into tFile
   filter tFile with item - 1 of pFilePath & ",*"
   if tFile = empty then return "Error: could not find file"
   set the defaultFolder to tDefaultFolder
   set the itemDel to comma
   put item 11 of tFile into tCreatorType
   if tCreatorType = empty then return "Error: could not find the  
   return char 1 to 4 of item 11 of tFile & comma & char 5 to 8 of  
item -1 of tFile
end CreatorAndType

Le 30 juil. 05 à 13:07, Dave Cragg a écrit :

> On 30 Jul 2005, at 10:40, Eric Chatonet wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> As the files function returns a list sorted by alphabetical order,  
>> I don't think it's necessary.
> But, for example, if you were looking for a file named "mend.png"  
> and there was a file named "amend.png" in the folder, you'd find  
> "amend.png".
> A bit cumbersome, but when I've done this, I've repeated through  
> all lines in the detailed files and done a match on the first item  
> in each.
> Cheers
> dave

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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