possible imagesource bug

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at sosmartsoftware.com
Fri Jul 29 16:50:24 EDT 2005

Hi Jeanne,

That's the problem: is imageSource a character attribute?
You think that it should. I noticed it's not.
And I agree: your relevant comment about lines shows there is here  
obviously something inconsistent.
So you are right, it's worth to Bugzilla this...

Le 29 juil. 05 à 09:46, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto a écrit :

> At 5:22 PM -0400 7/28/2005, Levi Kendall wrote:
>> that).  Anyway, what my problem using it has been is when the cursor
>> is immediately in front of an image in the field, any letter that  
>> gets
>> pressed (or even spacebar / numbers / etc) will assume the  
>> imagesource
>> property for that character, and the character that was originally
>> being used for the image (with imagesource) will be placed after the
>> image in the field.  Essentially what this is like if you are looking
>> at it happen is the new char is pushing the old char out of the  
>> image.
> Due respect to Eric, but I disagree with him and think that's a  
> bug. The imageSource is a character attribute, and it should no  
> more drift from character to character as you type than boldfacing  
> or a color change does.
> I confirm that this happens in 2.5.1 and the latest 2.6, although  
> only when you add text on the same line as the image. (If you add  
> text in the field on a previous line, the image isn't affected.)  
> Want to Bugzilla it?

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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