Missing Script Code in Afterword of My Book

Dennis Brown see3d at writeme.com
Fri Jul 29 15:56:04 EDT 2005


I would not be overly concerned.  I have your book and I read some  
chapters, skimmed others, and read, but did no examples.  I had  
previous HC and SC experience in the distant past.  I tend to skim a  
how-to reference book so I know where things are and see if any new  
concepts are there (I slow down for those) --I then rely extensively  
on a good table of contents or Index to re-find stuff if I get  
stuck.  I usually just dive in and make up my own examples that  
relate to something I am interested in.  When I want to start a  
project, I go looking for a sample stack that has some quality I need  
for my project, then gut the H... out of it, and build from there.   
That just points to the value of having GOOD & SIMPLE sample scripts  
of many different kinds of applications that can be used as starting  
points for newbies to start their own projects.  I am working on a  
huge stack that somewhere in the depths says: Open Anything.


On Jul 29, 2005, at 12:05 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

> Judy....
> On Jul 29, 2005, at 1:05 AM, Judy Perry wrote:
>> You're a published writer; aren't you accustomed this this? (I  
>> personally
>> know how this sux; see below for personal sob-story)
> Yeah, it was less the mistake itself than the questions it raised  
> in my mind. If several hundred people have bought this book in one  
> form or another and nobody has yet pointed out this error -- which  
> made the major example in the book not work -- does this mean: (a)  
> they figured it out themselves (it *was* sort of obvious on one  
> level); (b) they didn't catch it at all; or (c) they haven't read  
> the chapter (or perhaps the book)?
> As a writer, I know mistakes will appear in my code. I try hard to  
> test it and then copy-paste code directly rather than retyping it.  
> Over the years, reviewers have been consistently kind about the  
> paucity of at least code errors in my books. That's a rep I'd like  
> not to tarnish more than necessary.
> Next time, I need to find copy-readers who are perhaps less  
> knowledgeable and who have and can take more time to review copy in  
> greater detail.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Dan Shafer, Revolution Consultant and Author
> http://www.shafermedia.com
> Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
> From http://www.revolutionpros.com, Click "My Stuff"
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