Missing Script Code in Afterword of My Book

Dan Shafer revdan at danshafer.com
Fri Jul 29 12:05:10 EDT 2005


On Jul 29, 2005, at 1:05 AM, Judy Perry wrote:

> You're a published writer; aren't you accustomed this this? (I  
> personally
> know how this sux; see below for personal sob-story)

Yeah, it was less the mistake itself than the questions it raised in  
my mind. If several hundred people have bought this book in one form  
or another and nobody has yet pointed out this error -- which made  
the major example in the book not work -- does this mean: (a) they  
figured it out themselves (it *was* sort of obvious on one level);  
(b) they didn't catch it at all; or (c) they haven't read the chapter  
(or perhaps the book)?

As a writer, I know mistakes will appear in my code. I try hard to  
test it and then copy-paste code directly rather than retyping it.  
Over the years, reviewers have been consistently kind about the  
paucity of at least code errors in my books. That's a rep I'd like  
not to tarnish more than necessary.

Next time, I need to find copy-readers who are perhaps less  
knowledgeable and who have and can take more time to review copy in  
greater detail.

Dan Shafer, Revolution Consultant and Author
Get my book, "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought"
 From http://www.revolutionpros.com, Click "My Stuff"

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