rotating images

Thomas McGrath III 3mcgrath at
Thu Jul 28 17:37:44 EDT 2005


I would handle this at the card level via:

on openCard
	send myImageRotate to me in 10 seconds
end openCard

on myImageRotate
	-- do your repeat loop here to both rotate and cycle through your 
	-- maybe use a counter for what image we are on at this time through

	send myImageRotate to me in 10 seconds
end myImageRotate



On Jul 28, 2005, at 4:01 PM, Ban Nguyen wrote:
> Do the images sit on top of each other? or are they side by side?
> On top:
> Do you want one image to appear and then rotate in ten seconds and Then
> disappear and be replaced by image 2 which then rotates in ten seconds
> to disappear and be replaced by image 3 etc.
> Yes, the images sit on top of each other.  I want image 1 appears then 
> 10 sec image 2 appear then 1 sec image 3 appear..........back to image 
> 1 and so on
> I have one main stack which has 5 cards.  I want these images keep 
> changing while user click to go to another card
> Thanks for your help

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