request for script or stack

Timothy Miller gandalf at
Thu Jul 28 15:52:34 EDT 2005

Great reply, Jeanne

>Like all windows in the IDE, yes, it is a stack. From the docs:


Would a find and replace window work a lot faster if it were written 
in machine-native code?

>How to investigate code in the development environment's windows:
>The Revolution development environment is a Revolution application, 
>and the code that controls windows, buttons, and other controls is 
>written in Transcript. You are welcome to examine and alter it for 
>your own use.


>   Important!  Runtime Revolution permits you to make changes to your 
>own copy of the development environment, but does not provide 
>support for them. You're on your own here.

Thanks. Sarah mentioned that allowinterrupts is set to false in the 
Find and Replace stack. Or maybe I misunderstood her. I thought I 
might try to set it to true. But a command-period does work after all 
-- eventually.

>>Finally, has the cantabort property been abandoned in favor of the 
>>allowinterrupts property? Seems like they do about the same thing. 
>>The cantabort still resides in the 2.6.1 docs, but Rev doesn't seem 
>>to recognize that property.
>cantAbort is a stack property; allowInterrupts is global.

Oh! Derr...

>(Were you trying to execute 'set the cantAbort to true'?)

No I wanted to set it to false, to see if command-period would work more often.

I still don't know whether a command-period should halt a script when 
the script is temporarily interrupted when an "answer" dialog box is 
on the screen, waiting for a reply. It doesn't work that way on my 
machine. It seems to me it would be handy if Rev did work that way. 
Maybe there's a good reason it is the way it is.



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