request for script or stack

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto revolution at
Thu Jul 28 14:27:40 EDT 2005

At 8:08 AM -0700 7/28/2005, Timothy Miller wrote:
>Maybe I misunderstood. Is Find-and-Replace is a stack? If so, I 
>couldn't figure out how to get under the hood. I'd like to try 
>setting the allowinterrupts to true. I couldn't access the stack 
>script, the "Find" button script or anything. I couldn't get it to 
>come up in the inspector. What's the trick?

Like all windows in the IDE, yes, it is a stack. From the docs:

How to investigate code in the development environment's windows:

The Revolution development environment is a Revolution application, 
and the code that controls windows, buttons, and other controls is 
written in Transcript. You are welcome to examine and alter it for 
your own use.

To enable the ability to examine Revolution windows, choose Edit 
menu>Preferences. In the "Shortcuts" pane, check the box labeled 
"Contextual menus work in Revolution windows". To examine a 
Revolution window, hold the mouse over the window you want to examine 
and use the contextual menu shortcut (Command-Control-Shift-click or 
Control-Shift-Right-click), then choose "Edit Script" to examine the 
script of the object you clicked.

   Important!  Runtime Revolution permits you to make changes to your 
own copy of the development environment, but does not provide support 
for them. You're on your own here.

>Finally, has the cantabort property been abandoned in favor of the 
>allowinterrupts property? Seems like they do about the same thing. 
>The cantabort still resides in the 2.6.1 docs, but Rev doesn't seem 
>to recognize that property.

cantAbort is a stack property; allowInterrupts is global. (Were you 
trying to execute 'set the cantAbort to true'?)
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ revolution at

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