cursor submarining

C. Thomas Morrison tom.morrison at
Fri Jul 22 13:22:00 EDT 2005


I'm a new RunRevolution (Dreamcard 2.6) user in higher ed.  I've  
quickly thrown together a stack which is simply intended to create an  
email message via the revMail command.  It works fine on my Mac in  
both Dreamcard and Dreamcard Player.  However, when a co-worker tries  
to use the stack on a Windows PC with Player, one of the two problems  
1)  If he double-clicks on the stack to launch Player, the revMail  
command does not work (it is called when the user clicks on a button  
on a card).
2)  If he launches Player and then opens the stack, the revMail  
command works fine.  However, the cursor submarines under the stack,  
which obviously makes using the stack somewhat of a challenge.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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