Newbe Drag & Drop Question

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Wed Jul 20 08:16:04 EDT 2005

Hi Doug,

You are right, Rev needs a bit of scripting to handle drag an drop  
but it's a good thing since scripting allows to manage this feature  
You might be interested in a tutorial about drag and drop you can  
access trough Tutorials Picker.
Tutorials Picker is available on Rev Online - user: So Smart Software.

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.

Le 20 juil. 05 à 12:46, Douglas Gilliland a écrit :

> I am writing a stack on Density for my students. I want them to drag a
> cube of iron on to an electronic balance to mass it. The script would
> change the display of the balance from 0.00 grams to thel mass of the
> iron sample.
>  I have made the cube draggable by assigning it the following scipt:
> on mousedown
> drag me
> end mousedown
> That part works great.
> I attempted to place a hidden button over the balance and use the
> dragenter message in a variety of ways but cannot get it to work.
> When I used HyperStudio the dragdrop function was built into the
> program so I didn't learn how to script it.
> Any advice for a Dreamcard newbe?

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