Newbe Drag & Drop Question

Douglas Gilliland douggilliland at
Wed Jul 20 06:46:12 EDT 2005

I am writing a stack on Density for my students. I want them to drag a
cube of iron on to an electronic balance to mass it. The script would
change the display of the balance from 0.00 grams to thel mass of the
iron sample.

 I have made the cube draggable by assigning it the following scipt:
on mousedown
drag me
end mousedown
That part works great.

I attempted to place a hidden button over the balance and use the
dragenter message in a variety of ways but cannot get it to work.
When I used HyperStudio the dragdrop function was built into the
program so I didn't learn how to script it.
Any advice for a Dreamcard newbe?
Doug Gilliland
Sarasota, FL

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