[Slightly OT] Ransomware as a Model for Rev Toolmaking?

Brian Yennie briany at qldlearning.com
Tue Jul 19 17:36:45 EDT 2005


Good point. We should probably figure out which it is.

I'll be totally frank- I'm much more likely to participate in this as 
the "developer", and so that probably has everything to do with why I 
would craft up a scenario in which I would have sufficient incentive to 
participate in.

As a developer, I can already fill more hours than I have with my 
desired hourly wage, so any project who's upper limit is to *maybe* get 
me a reasonable hourly wage isn't going to be a top priority. It's a 
start, but it's not a beacon for developers to jump in.

Truth be told, I WOULD make time to create tools for this community for 
less profit than I would for some other clients, but I would be 
gangbusters about it if it was also a good deal for me.

- Brian

> I don't think this was brought up as a way to create products for 
> profit.  It is a way to finance upgrading tools for everyone with the 
> primary programmer being paid a reasonable hourly wage.  Am I reading 
> this wrong???
> Dennis

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