Problem with Editable Fields

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Mon Jul 18 15:22:12 EDT 2005

--- David Burgun <dburgun at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Tried what you suggested, the invalid values still
> gets saved. I know
> the closeField gets called because I hear the beep.
> I put a
> breakpoint on both all three handler, mouseUp,
> NewMouseUp and
> closeField and when the done key is pressed it
> enters the mouseUp
> handler BEFORE closeField, so the old value gets
> saved. It pot luck
> if the closeField function gets called at all in the
> case, I am guess
> that it depends on timing, if the script gets run
> before the close
> stack command is issued.
> This really is silly, what I want to do is so
> straight forward, I
> just cannot understand why it is so difficult in
> RunRev? Am I missing
> something or is it impossible to range check a field
> without jumping
> thru hoops?
> Thanks a lot
> Dave

Hi Dave,

Try putting this at the front of your mouseUp handler
in the button script:
  select empty
This will trigger the closeField before the stuff in
the button happens ; you may have to set a custom
property or such to check if no error occured.

All this is due to the fact that on Mac, unlike on
Windows and Unix, buttons cannot receive the keyboard
focus (by default) so the focus remains with the
field. So it's your job to trigger the closeField.

Annoying, perhaps, but that's the way the cookie

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam - Tools for Revolution

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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